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The safety of oral fluconazole during the first trimester of pregnancy: A systematic review and meta-analysis

BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Sep 30, 2019

Zhang Z, et al. - Via performing a systematic review and meta-analysis, researchers investigated how exposure to oral fluconazole during the first trimester of pregnancy influences the pregnancy outcomes. They observed a marginal association of exposure to oral fluconazole during the first trimester of pregnancy with an increased risk of congenital malformations. However, in the subgroup analysis, only high-dose users exhibited this association (> 150 mg) (OR 1.19). In addition, increased risk of heart malformations (OR 1.31), cardiac septal defects (OR 1.3), and tetralogy of Fallot (OR 3.39) was observed in the offspring in correlation with exposure to fluconazole. Furthermore, a significantly increased risk of spontaneous abortion (OR 1.99) was observed in correlation with exposure to fluconazole. Findings thereby suggest a possible association of oral fluconazole during the first trimester of pregnancy with unfavourable pregnancy outcomes.
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