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The role of sperm DNA fragmentation testing in predicting intra-uterine insemination outcome: A systematic review and meta-analysis

European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Oct 26, 2019

Sugihara A, et al. - Researchers performed a systematical review of the literature with the aim to assess the value of measuring sperm DNA fragmentation in predicting clinical pregnancy outcome in couples undergoing intra-uterine insemination. They searched the relevant databases from inception until March 2018 and identified 433 studies. Of these, nine studies were retained for the qualitative analysis and four studies for the meta-analysis, accounting for 940 IUI cycles. Taken together, the included studies suggest that sperm DNA fragmentation has limited potential in distinguishing between couples who will benefit from the test, namely in either predicting IUI outcome or in advising for or against IUI as first choice of treatment instead of advancing to more invasive medically assisted reproduction.
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