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The role of serum caspase 3 levels in prediction of endometriosis severity

Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation Aug 08, 2018

Kaya C, et al. - Among 90 women who were candidates for laparoscopic surgery because of endometrioma or any other benign ovarian cysts, researchers determined the role of serum caspase 3, Annexin A2 (ANXA2), and Soluble Fas Ligand (sFasL) levels in the prediction of endometriosis severity. Respondents were split into a control group with 29 patients, a second group with 29 patients with stage I–II endometriosis, and a third group with 30 patients with stage III–IV endometriosis. They identified significant differences between the control and stage III–IV endometriosis groups and between stage I–II and stage III–IV endometriosis groups in terms of caspase-3 levels, ANXA2 levels, and sFasL levels. Findings suggest that endometriosis severity could be reliably predicted with serum caspase-3 level.

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