The role of preterm birth in the association between opioid maintenance therapy and neonatal abstinence syndrome
Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology May 03, 2018
Lemon LS, et al. - The role of preterm birth as a mediator of the relationship between in utero exposure to methadone and neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) compared with buprenorphine was investigated by experts among women receiving methadone or buprenorphine and delivering liveborn infants at Magee-Womens Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2013–15). Yielded data depicted that preterm birth was more common in methadone-exposed pregnancies. A higher incidence of NAS treatment was brought to light in methadone compared with buprenorphine-exposed infants and term compared with preterm births. It was also determined that the additional increased risk of NAS linked with methadone use vs buprenorphine in term deliveries emphasised the utility of buprenorphine in clinical settings aimed at decreasing NAS.
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