The role of mesh technology with tumor prosthesis reconstruction to reconstruct the extensor mechanism of knee joint after resection of proximal tibial tumors
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research Mar 03, 2019
Liu B, et al. - The role of mesh technique in the reconstruction of the extensor mechanism after resection of proximal tibial tumors was determined via this retrospective analysis of 14 patients with proximal tibial tumors diagnosis who underwent reconstruction with tumor prosthesis, gastrocnemius muscle, and mesh between 2012 and 2017. Outcomes revealed a remarkable reduction in extensor lag in the surgery group in comparison to previous study reports. Researchers identify that for removing and controlling the tumor, surgical resection is a simple, reliable, and effective method. The extensor mechanism of the knee after excision of the tumor could be effectively reconstructed using mesh reconstruction of the patellar ligament.
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