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The role of maternal anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa before and during pregnancy in early childhood wheezing: Findings from the NINFEA birth cohort study

International Journal of Eating Disorders May 10, 2018

Popovic M, et al. - Researchers aimed at assessing associations of maternal eating disorders (bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, and purging behaviors) with infant wheezing. In addition, they assessed the effects of eating disorders on several wheezing determinants. In this study, maternal eating disorders were noted to be associated with offspring wheezing suggesting long-term adverse respiratory outcomes in children of mothers with eating disorders. This risk further increased when the disorders were active during pregnancy. A correlation of bulimia nervosa and/or anorexia nervosa during pregnancy was also noticed with several risk factors for wheezing, including maternal smoking, adverse pregnancy outcomes, shorter breastfeeding duration, and day-care attendance.
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