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The role of aspirin, heparin, and other interventions in the prevention and treatment of fetal growth restriction

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Dec 14, 2017

Groom KM, et al. - Researchers here focussed on the role of aspirin, heparin, and other interventions in the prevention and treatment of fetal growth restriction. In vitro and in vivo studies and experimental models showed the effects of nitric oxide donors, dietary nitrate, hydrogen sulphide donors, statins, and proton pump inhibitors on maternal blood pressure, uteroplacental resistance indices, and angiogenic/antiangiogenic factors. They recognized very limited data from human pregnancies and, in particular, pregnancies with fetal growth restriction. Early research into melatonin, creatine, and N-acetyl cysteine supplementation in pregnancy suggested their role as neuro- and cardioprotective agents in fetal growth restriction.
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