The role of arthroscopic soft tissue reconstruction for failed Bristow-Latarjet procedure
Arthroscopy Sep 13, 2019
Lavoué V, et al. - In this retrospective series involving 41 patients, researchers examined the functional outcomes after unipolar or bipolar arthroscopic soft tissue stabilization in the treatment of recurrent anterior instability following a coracoid bone block procedure. Participants in the study were patients with recurrent anterior shoulder instability after Bristow (n = 7) or Latarjet (n = 34) coracoid bone block treated with unipolar (isolated Bankart, n = 22) or bipolar (Bankart + Hill-Sachs remplissage, n = 19) arthroscopic stabilization. According to findings, stabilization of arthroscopic soft tissue provides good functional results in most cases after failed coracoid bone block with an acceptable rate of recurrence and return to sport. When treated with combined Bankart repair and Hill-Sachs remplissage, patients with significant Hill-Sachs lesions displayed better outcomes. Poorer functional outcomes were linked to severe glenoid bone loss.
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