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The risk of new fragility fractures in patients with chronic kidney disease and hip fracture - A population-based cohort study in the UK

Osteoporosis International Apr 13, 2020

de Bruin IJA, Wyers CE, Souverein PC, et al. - This study was intended to evaluate whether and how chronic kidney disease (CKD) stages G3–G5 is associated with glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) > 60 ml/min and the risk of a new non-hip fracture or fragility fracture in individuals with a first hip fracture. Researchers applied the UK general practices in the Clinical Practice Research Datalink to conduct population-based cohort study. They ascertained relationships between CKD stage and first subsequent fracture using Cox proportional hazard analyses to calculate hazard ratios (HRs). Cause-specific (cs) HRs for mortality were calculated to analyze the potential competing risk of mortality. Compared with eGFR > 60 ml/min, the risk of a subsequent major non-hip fragility fractures following hip fracture was not elevated in individuals with CKD G3–G5. The study found higher mortality risk in both hip fracture and non-hip fracture individuals with CKD G4 and G5. The higher mortality risk may, as competing risk, demonstrate the main finding of no increased or even reduced subsequent fracture risk after a hip fracture in individuals with CKD G3–G5.

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