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The relevance of ulnar-sided contrast extravasation during radiocarpal joint wrist arthrography

American Journal of Roentgenology Mar 01, 2019

Lee MJ, et al. - Given that contrast material often extends from the radiocarpal joint into the proximal soft tissues adjacent to the ulnar aspect of the ulnar styloid during single-compartment radiocarpal joint MR arthrography of the wrist, researchers tested the premise that this is a common finding unrelated to symptoms or examination technique. Two radiologists retrospectively reviewed Wrist MR arthrograms in consensus. According to the results, the inclusion criteria were met by 99 examinations. Ulnar-sided contrast extravasation was present in 56 of the 99 wrists (57%) after single-compartment radiocarpal joint injection. In the right wrists compared to left wrists, this finding was statistically more common. Overall, the investigators concluded that contrast extravasation was common in the ulnar aspect of the distal ulna after single-compartment radiocarpal joint injection. In this investigation, the location of a patient's wrist pain or abnormal findings evaluated in MR arthrography was not statistically significant.
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