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The relative importance of frailty, physical and cardiovascular function as exercise-modifiable predictors of falls in haemodialysis patients: A prospective cohort study

BMC Nephrology Mar 20, 2020

Zanotto T, Mercer TH, van der Linden ML, et al. - Researchers undertook this prospective cohort study between October 2015 and August 2018 among 93 prevalent CKD-5 (stage 5 chronic kidney disease) patients on haemodialysis, to determine the relative significance of frailty and cardiovascular function as potential exercise-modifiable predictors of falls in this patient population. The participants were selected from three Renal Units. The factors that were significantly related to a greater number of falls in the multivariate analysis were: worse baroreflex function and orthostatic decrements of blood pressure (BP) to 60° head-up tilt test. Findings revealed a greater relative importance of cardiovascular mechanisms involved in the short-term regulation of BP, compared with frailty, for predicting falls in this study sample. A degree of cardiovascular dysregulation seemed to be a mediator of a high number of falls, as evidenced by the predominance of self-reported dizziness symptoms.

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