The relationship between serum magnesium levels and mortality in non-diabetic hemodialysis patients: A 10-year follow-up study
Hemodialysis International Jul 11, 2019
Shimohata H, et al. - Among non-diabetic hemodialysis patients (n=83), researchers examined the link between serum magnesium levels and death over a follow-up period of 120 months in this retrospective, observational study. Two groups of patients were defined: serum magnesium ≥2.5 mg/dL (Mg ≥2.5 mg/dL group) and serum magnesium <2.5 mg/dL (Mg <2.5 mg/dL group). Follow-up revealed the death of 31 patients. Improved survival was reported in relation to higher serum magnesium levels among non-diabetic hemodialysis patients. Serum magnesium levels were positively correlated with serum creatinine, phosphorus, high-density lipoprotein, ankle-brachial index and KT/V, and negatively correlated with age in simple correlation coefficient analysis. Only the ankle-brachial index demonstrated a positive and significant correlation with the serum magnesium level in multiple linear regression analysis.
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