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The relationship between serum ferritin levels and 5-year all-cause mortality in hemodialysis patients

Blood Purification Apr 10, 2021

Erdem E, et al. - Among 173 prevalent hemodialysis patients, whether and how serum ferritin levels were related to 5-year all-cause mortality was inquired in this study. A follow-up for 5 years was conducted among participants and they were split into 3 groups based on time-averaged serum ferritin concentrations (group 1: serum ferritin <800 ng/mL, group 2: serum ferritin 800–1,500 ng/mL, and group 3: serum ferritin >1,500 ng/mL). A 5-year survival rate of 44, 64, and 27% was identified in groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively. In this study population, an elevated 5-year all-cause mortality risk was observed in relation to time-averaged serum ferritin levels >1,500 ng/mL.

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