The relationship between marital satisfaction and depression in infertile couples: An actor–partner interdependence model approach
BMC Psychiatry Sep 29, 2018
Maroufizadeh S, et al. – Given the wealth of evidence consistent with the Marital Discord Model of Depression (MDMD) on the association of marital discord with depression vs the paucity of data on the relationship between marital satisfaction and depression at the dyadic level in infertile couples, researchers examined the effect of actors’ and partners’ marital satisfaction on depressive symptoms in husband-wife dyads with infertility using an innovative dyadic analysis approach, the Actor–Partner Interdependence Model (APIM). They performed a cross-sectional study that included 141 infertile couples in the evaluation phase of treatment. Upon APIM analysis, researchers found that both men and women’s marital satisfaction had an actor effect on their own depression. Furthermore, they observed a significant partner effect regarding men’s marital satisfaction on their wives’ depression symptoms. However, there was no correlation between the wives’ marital satisfaction and their husbands’ depressive symptoms. Findings from this study supported the MDMD as a valid theoretical model for the conceptualization of marital satisfaction and depressive symptoms among infertile couples. The authors recommended including both men and women in interventions to reduce depressive symptoms.
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