The relationship between intrapartum cerebroplacental ratio and adverse perinatal outcomes in term fetuses
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Jun 15, 2018
Chainarong N, et al. - In order to identify fetuses at risk for non-reassuring status as well as other adverse perinatal outcomes, researchers investigated the role of cerebroplacental ratio (CPR) Doppler in the labor triage suite. They noted an association of lower CPR with non-reassuring fetal status in term fetuses. With currently available CPR cut-off values, CPR measurement during the intrapartum period was not identified to be a good predictor for adverse perinatal outcomes, with the exception of abnormal fetal heart rate patterns. However, pregnant women who may benefit from continuous fetal heart rate monitoring could be stratified using the high negative predictive value.
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