The relationship between insurance and health outcomes of diabetes mellitus patients in Maryland: A retrospective archival record study
BMC Health Services Research May 28, 2021
Lee SH, et al. - Researchers undertook this retrospective cross-sectional archival record study to evaluate the link between four types of health insurance, namely, Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS), Medicare Managed Care (MC), Private FFS, and Private MC plans, and the health results of patients suffering from diabetes mellitus (DM), controlling for patients’ social determinants of health. This study included elderly Maryland residents (n = 43,519) with chronic DM. Findings demonstrated an association of insurance plans with the health outcomes of elderly DM patients post taking into consideration their social determinants of health. Particularly, better health outcomes were experienced by DM patients enrolled in managed care and private insurance plans vs those on Medicare FFS plans.
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