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The relation between dialysis-requiring acute kidney injury and recovery from end-stage renal disease: A national study

BMC Nephrology Sep 11, 2019

Chen Z, Lee BJ, McCulloch CE, et al. - Using data from State Inpatient Databases and US Renal Data System, researchers looked for a possible correlation between state-level differences in renal recovery among incident end stage renal disease (ESRD) patients and state-level variations in incidence of acute kidney injury requiring dialysis (AKI-D) in this national cross-sectional ecological investigation performed at the state-level. This study included 18 US states. In Vermont and in Nevada, the estimated AKI-D incidence was 99.0 per million population (pmp) and 490.4 pmp, respectively. In Massachusetts and in Florida, the rate of renal recovery among incident ESRD patients was estimated to be 8.8 pmp and 29.3 pmp, respectively. Overall and in age, sex, and race subgroups, they found a positive association between AKI-D incidence and rate of renal recovery among incident ESRD patients at state level. After adjusting for age and sex, the persistence of the overall correlation was noted. Overall, AKI-D incidence was identified as a crucial driver of renal recovery rates among incident ESRD patients.
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