The Radiographic Union Score for HUmeral fractures (RUSHU) predicts humeral shaft nonunion
The Bone & Joint Journal Oct 11, 2019
Oliver WM, Smith TJ, Nicholson JA, et al. - A total of 20 individuals with radiographs six weeks after a humeral shaft fracture were enrolled initially, and following refinement of the Radiographic Union Score for HUmeral fractures (RUSHU) criteria, the second group of 60 individuals with radiographs six weeks following injury, 40 with fractures that united and 20 with fractures that developed nonunion were recruited in order to produce a reliable, efficient radiological score to evaluate the humeral shaft fractures healing, the RUSHU and to evaluate whether the six-week RUSHU was imminent of nonunion at six months following the injury. At six weeks postinjury, in recognizing individuals at risk of nonunion of a humeral shaft fracture, the RUSHU was found out to be reliable and efficient. However, this tool needs external verification however, it could possibly decrease the morbidity related to the postponed treatment of an authenticated nonunion.
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