The projected burden of primary total knee and hip replacement for osteoarthritis in Australia to the year 2030
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Feb 27, 2019
Ackerman IN, et al. - Data collected from the Australian Orthopaedic Association National Joint Replacement Registry was evaluated to prognosticate the burden of primary total knee (TKR) and hip replacements (THR) performed for osteoarthritis (OA) in Australia to the year 2030, and also to illustrate the influence of contrasting obesity scenarios on TKR burden. They projected the procedure rates as per 2 scenarios viz, constant rate of surgery from 2013 onwards and continued growth in surgery rates based on 2003–2013 growth. They calculated a rise by 276% and 208% by 2030, in the incidence of TKR and THR for OA, respectively. They estimated the total cost to the healthcare system, $AUD5.32 billion, of which $AUD3.54 billion linked to the private sector.
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