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The prognostic value of total T3 after acute cerebral infarction is age-dependent: A retrospective study on 768 patients

BMC Neurology Apr 10, 2019

Li LQ, et al. - In this retrospective study, researchers assessed if age has any impact on the prognostic ability of thyroid-related hormones following an acute ischemic stroke. One thousand, seventy-two patients with ischemic stroke who were admitted to the acute stroke unit within 72 hours of symptom onset during the study period were assessed for this study. The study finally included a total of 768 patients and divided them into a younger group (age < 65 years) and an older group (age ≥ 65 years). In an older population, the prognostic ability of low total triiodothyronine was age-associated and more meaningful, but the same association could not be confirmed in the younger group.

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