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The prognostic accuracy of short term variation of fetal heart rate in early-onset fetal growth restriction: A systematic review

European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Feb 23, 2019

Pels A, et al. - Given the significance of cardiotocography (CTG) as a tool for fetal surveillance in severe early-onset fetal growth restriction (FGR), researchers systematically reviewed the literature on the association between computerized analysis of the cardiotocography (cCTG) and perinatal outcome. Further, they compared cCTG with visual CTG (vCTG). They included five cohort studies (387 patients) from the 885 records identified in the search. Outcomes suggest no association between short term variability (STV) and short or long term outcome. Given the heterogeneity of the limited available data in addition to the presence of influence by management based on STV, they recommend performing a randomized controlled trial comparing STV with vCTG including long term infant outcome before STV can be used clinically for timing of delivery in patients with FGR.
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