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The prevalence, risk factors, and psychosocial impacts of acne vulgaris in medical students: A literature review

International Journal of Dermatology Jun 21, 2021

Sachdeva M, Tan J, Lim J, et al. - In this literature review, researchers sought to analyze the prevalence and risk factors of acne vulgaris in medical students and highlight the impact of psychological consequences of acne in medical students. Included were studies that stated the prevalence or risk factors of acne vulgaris and/or investigated the relationship between psychosocial effects and acne vulgaris in medical students. Across nine studies, the prevalence of acne vulgaris in medical students ranged from 34.38% to 97.9%. Acne had a wide range of negative psychological and social effects on medical students, including poor self-esteem, low confidence, embarrassment, depression, anxiety, social withdrawal, and impaired social behaviors.

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