The prevalence of incidental and symptomatic lumbar synovial facet cysts
Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques Jun 07, 2018
Janssen SJ, et al. - Authors evaluated the prevalence of incidental (ie, asymptomatic) and symptomatic lumbar synovial facet cysts on magnetic resonance imaging and ascertained if the prevalence increased with age. They also assessed differences in patient and cyst characteristics between asymptomatic and symptomatic facet cysts. At least 1 synovial facet cyst was seen in approximately 1 in 15 patients. Findings suggested a strong association of having a facet cyst-symptomatic and asymptomatic with increased age supporting the theory that degenerative disease underlies its development. An association of large cyst size and anterior location of the cyst with an increased likelihood of having neurological symptoms was noted.
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