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The prevalence and factors associated with sibling-recurrent dental treatment under general anesthesia at an academic institution

Pediatric Dentistry Mar 03, 2019

Edmonds B, et al. - At the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Va., USA, researchers evaluated the prevalence and factors contributing to sibling-recurrent dental general anesthesia (DGA). From July 25, 2017, to March 15, 2018, subjects were recruited. A total of 40 families with a child who had at least one sibling presented for general anesthesia (GA) were included. At Virginia Commonwealth University's Pediatric Dentistry Clinic, sibling-recurrent general anesthesia was high. This higher prevalence could be due to parental acceptance and positive DGA experiences. To prevent recurrent DGA, dental providers should be proactive.
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