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The potential clinical relevance of anatomical structures and variations of the maxillary sinus for planned sinus floor elevation procedures: A retrospective cone beam computed tomography study

Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research Dec 21, 2018

Kaya GS, et al. - Researchers evaluated 228 maxillary sinuses in 114 subjects to examine anatomical modifications in the maxillary sinus by making the use of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) in terms of sinus floor elevation (SFE) with a lateral approach. They analyzed the parameters like position and diameter of posterior superior alveolar artery (PSAA) canal, the frequency, and localization of the septa or accessory maxillary ostium (AMO), and lateral wall thickness values. They observed septa in the middle region of the sinus and 71.1% of PSAA canals as intraosseous. They determined the shortest mean perpendicular distance between the sinus floor and the PSAA canal (9.22 ± 5.66 mm), and the highest mean sinus lateral wall thickness (2.42 mm ± 0.88 mm) in the first molar region with AMO detected in 40.8% of sinuses.
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