The positive predictive value of hip fracture diagnoses and surgical procedure codes in the Danish multidisciplinary hip fracture registry and the Danish national patient registry
Clinical Epidemiology Feb 12, 2020
Hjelholt TJ, Edwards NM, Vesterager JD, et al. - By measuring the positive predictive value (PPV), the validity of hip fracture diagnoses and surgical procedure codes were analyzed in the Danish Multidisciplinary Hip Fracture Registry (DMHFR) and the Danish National Patient Registry (DNPR). Between 2014 and 2017, a random sample of 750 hip fracture individuals registered in the DMHFR were distinguished. Researchers calculated the PPV of the hip fracture diagnoses and surgical procedure codes in the DMHFR and the DNPR with 95% confidence interval applying the surgical procedure description from the medical record as the gold standard. The results of this study demonstrated that a high quality of the hip fracture diagnoses and corresponding procedure codes in the DMHFR and the DNPR, with a majority of PPVs above 90%. Therefore, for epidemiological research, the DMHFR and the DNPR are valuable data sources on hip fractures.
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