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The need for hemodialysis is associated with increased mortality in mechanically ventilated children: A propensity score–matched outcome study

Pediatric Nephrology Jan 22, 2021

Chegondi M, Devarashetty S, Balakumar N, et al. - Researchers conducted this retrospective cohort analysis to determine whether the need for hemodialysis (HD) represents an independent risk factor for death in mechanically ventilated children. The 2012 and 2016 Kids Inpatient Database was analyzed and a weighted sample was utilized to acquire a national outcome estimate. Participants were children aged one month to 17 years who were mechanically ventilated. Those who had received HD were compared with those who did not. A death rate of 32.5% vs 8.8% was noted in the HD group vs in the control group. Severe sepsis, bone marrow transplantation, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation therapy were reported as factors related to higher mortality in HD patients. Overall, a higher mortality was noted in relation to the need for HD in mechanically ventilated children.

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