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The ligamentous injury pattern in acute acromioclavicular dislocations and its impact on clinical and radiographic parameters

Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Dec 03, 2020

Minkus M, Wieners G, Maziak N, et al. - This study was attempted to present the ligamentous injury pattern in acute acromioclavicular (AC) joint dislocations by MRI and to evaluate relationships with clinical and radiographic parameters. This prospective study included a total of 45 (Rockwood [RW] I = 5, RW II = 8, RW III = 18, RW V = 14) consecutive patients [5f, 40m, mean age: 33.6 (19-65) years] with an acute AC joint separation. All individuals had undergone physical assessment of both shoulders and clinical scores (Subjective Shoulder Value = SSV, Constant Score = CS, Taft Score = TF, Acromioclavicular Joint Instability Score = ACJI) were applied to investigate the AC joint clinically as well as radiographically. This study’s findings demonstrate that the integrity of the CC and AC ligaments found on the MRI has an impact on clinical and radiographic parameters.

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