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The learning curve in hip arthroscopy: Effect on surgical times in a single surgeon cohort

Arthroscopy Dec 07, 2019

Dumont GD, et al. - For the treatment of FAI and labral tears, a single surgeon’s case list was retrospectively analyzed to distinguish all primary hip arthroscopy surgeries between November 1, 2018, and February 28, 2018, in order to quantify the impact of the learning curve in conducting hip arthroscopy for FAI and labral tears on total operating room time, including times for set up, surgery, and wake up, during a single surgeon’s initial hip arthroscopy procedures. A total of 225 individuals were involved in the study. In the treatment of FAI and labral tears, results substantiate the existence of a solid learning curve for hip arthroscopy. Findings imply reducing surgical time as the surgeon advances by the learning curve, with the initial 75 procedures needing a longer time to do compared with succeeding cases.
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