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The JUBILE cohort: Quality of life after more than 40 years with type 1 diabetes

Diabetic Medicine Aug 20, 2021

Altman JA, Niarra R, Balkau B, et al. - The study demonstrates that living a long and pleasant life is possible with type 1 diabetes. The results reveal that diabetes does not prevent people from having children, working at highly qualified jobs, travelling abroad: a message of hope that is comforting for patients, their family, relatives, and the medical teams.

  • In this study, 49 ± 6 years (mean±SD) was the duration of type 1 diabetes, age at diagnosis 15 ± 10 years, HbA1c 7.4 ± 0.9% [58 ± 10 mmol/mol] and 52% were men.

  • Researchers found macrovascular disease in 32%, 46% had no or only mild non- proliferative retinopathy.

  • In this study, 25% used insulin pumps and insulin pen/syringe users injected 3.9 ± 2.1 times per day.

  • The results showed that 67% of patients self-monitored blood glucose at least five times per day.

  • The data indicated that men had 1.8 ± 1.2 children, women 1.4 ± 1.0.

  • It has been reported that more than half (55%) of this population was working, 38% had a university degree.

  • Furthermore, individuals still had a busy life, going out (59%), eating out (82%), playing sports (38%) and travelling (66%). There were no differences based on age, duration of diabetes, demography, or social features.

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