The integrated RNA landscape of renal preconditioning against ischemia-reperfusion injury
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Mar 07, 2020
Johnsen M, Kubacki T, Yeroslaviz A, et al. - Given the application of preventive strategies using preconditioning protocols, including caloric restriction and hypoxic preconditioning, has prevented AKI in animal models, researchers investigated whether these preconditioning strategies use similar pathways to augment cellular stress resistance. To determine genes as well as pathways shared by caloric restriction and hypoxic preconditioning, they employed RNA-sequencing transcriptome profiling to contrast the transcriptional response with both modes of preconditioning in mice prior to and following renal ischemia-reperfusion injury. Overlapping patterns in caloric restriction and hypoxic preconditioning were revealed in this comparative study of the gene expression signatures in preconditioning strategies, this is suggestive of common molecular mechanisms. A limited set of target genes not earlier recognized to be related to AKI was discovered in this work. Experts afford an online interface for user-defined investigation of the gene expression datasets (, to enable optimal interactive usability of the data by the kidney research community.
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