The influence of the number of screws and additional surgical procedures on outcome in hallux valgus treatment
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research Apr 28, 2018
Jentzsch T, et al. - Authors probed the relationship of the number of screws and additional surgical techniques for hallux valgus (HV) with radiological and clinical outcome after reversed L-shaped osteotomy (ReveL). For a similar or even better outcome, a single screw (instead of two screws) could be sufficient enough and could also reduce costs in ReveL for HV. If possible, additional surgical procedures for HV could be refrained from. With the use of 1 screw, the recurrence was 45% less likely, independent of age, sex, additional technique, and preoperative. With an additional surgical technique for HV, the recurrence was 162% more likely.
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