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The influence of obesity on hydroxychloroquine blood levels in lupus nephritis patients

Lupus Jan 12, 2021

Pedrosa T, de Vinci Kanda Kupa L, Pasoto SG, et al. - Given that the American Academy of Ophthalmology (2016-AAO) in 2016 advised a maximum daily HCQ use of 5.0 mg/kg real body weight (RBW) taking into account minimizing eye toxicity, researchers undertook this cross-sectional analysis to investigate whether the 2016-AAO recommendation based on RBW with and without maximum daily dose restriction affords adequate as well as safe blood concentrations in obese lupus nephritis (LN) patients. Participants were a total of 108 LN patients under the prescribed 2016-AAO dose for at least 3 months. Findings revealed the presence of very high HCQ blood concentrations in obese patients under the 2016-AAO prescribed dose of HCQ based on RBW with and without maximum daily dose restriction, vs non-obese patients, with a potential raised risk of ocular toxicity. It was advised to consider the use of 2016-AAO dose of HCQ as per the ideal body weight for this group of patients.

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