The influence of early weight bearing, controlled motion and timing of orthosis removal on the non-operative management of achilles tendon rupture: A systematic review
The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery Mar 10, 2021
Jamjoom BA, et al. - Researchers conducted a systematic review of the non-operative treatment for Achilles tendon rupture to explore the impact of early weight-bearing, controlled motion, and orthosis removal on five outcome measures. Researchers carried out to search for relevant RCTs and prospective cohort studies. The primary endpoint included the re-rupture rate. The rates for DVT, duration before return to work (RTW), return to sports (RTS) and the mean Achilles Tendon Rupture Score (ATRS) were considered as secondary endpoints. A total of 1,068 individuals were examined in the study. For Achilles tendon rupture, the data relating to re-rupture, DVT, RTW, and RTS support the adoption of early weight-bearing and controlled motion in the non-operative treatment. Due to an increased risk of re-rupture, early removal of orthosis is not advisable. In the study population, the ATRS results were considered inconclusive probably due to inconsistencies in the reporting or heterogeneity.
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