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The incidence, risk factors, and long-term outcomes of acute kidney injury in hospitalized diabetic ketoacidosis patients

BMC Nephrology Feb 20, 2020

Chen J, Zeng H, Ouyang X, et al. - In this study with 179 patients diagnosed with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), researchers determined the incidence rate, risk factors, long-term renal outcomes, as well as mortality in DKA patients with acute kidney injury (AKI). The participants were recruited from Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital. There were 179 DKA patients, of those, 98 received a diagnosis of AKI. The identified risk factors of AKI included aging; increased blood glucose, serum uric acid and white blood cells; decreased serum pH and albumin; coma; and preexisting chronic kidney disease (CKD). The contribution of various risk factors to AKI development in DKA patients was shown. In patients with DKA, a link of AKI and advanced AKI stage with rapid progressive CKD and long-term mortality was evident.
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