The incidence of wound infection and dehiscence following childbirth-related perineal trauma: A systematic review of the evidence
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Jun 07, 2019
Jones K, et al. - Researchers conducted a systematic review determining the incidence of childbirth-related perineal infection and dehiscence. Searching Medline, Embase and Cinahl databases they identified 23 studies as relevant for inclusion (11 cohort, 2 case control and 10 reporting incidence). Outcomes revealed childbirth-related perineal trauma wound infection incidence ranging from 0.1% - 23.6% and wound dehiscence from 0.21% - 24.6%. Perineal trauma during childbirth and associated long-term morbidities are known to have high occurrence, however, the true incidence of infection remains largely unknown. This can be related to a variety of factors including lack of high level evidence around understanding ‘normal’ perineal wound healing, absence of a core outcome set for childbirth-related perineal trauma and that women present to a variety of healthcare settings for treatment. Findings thereby emhasize developing a validated childbirth-related perineal trauma diagnostic tool and core outcome set for use in future studies to allow better diagnosis and treatment and decrease long term morbidities of women affected by childbirth-related perineal trauma wound infection and dehiscence.
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