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The incidence, clinical features, and a comparison between early and delayed onset of postoperative spinal epidural hematoma

Spine Mar 08, 2019

Anno M, et al. - Between 1999 and 2013, authors examined the incidence and clinical characteristics of symptomatic postoperative spinal epidural hematoma (PSEH) with respect to spinal level along with a comparison of early and delayed onset cases. They observed 0.42% of cases with symptomatic PSEH. They reported the initial symptoms between 0 and 7 days whereas 43% were noticed during the delayed phase ie, mean 5.0 ± 1.1 days postsurgery. They recorded paralysis, the predominant symptom in subjects with cervical and thoracic surgeries (100%), but severe pain was most common in individuals with lumbar procedures (63%). They found no variations in early and delayed groups. They recorded good neurological consequence in 10 cases, partial in 2 cases, and poor in 2 cases. Hence, they suggested educating the patients and medical staff regarding the probability of delayed hematoma disorders.
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