The importance of a standardized screening tool to identify thromboembolic risk factors in pediatric lower extremity arthroscopy patients
Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Apr 29, 2019
Ellis HB, et al. - A total of 332 individuals were analyzed to delineate the incidence of venous thromboembolism (VTE) risk factors in adolescents who underwent elective lower extremity arthroscopy and also ascertained if a targeted, standardized screening tool was both cost- and clinically effective in the classification of VTE risk factors. They noted 103 risk factors. A total incidence of 0.15% was identified in one pulmonary embolism case over 3 years. They recognized 325 subjects with 134 identifiable risk factors with targeted screening (TS) tool. They also reported a significant increment in the classification of the family history of blood clots, history of a prior blood clot, repeated miscarriages in the family, and smoking exposure. They observed the total cost of screening lesser as compared to that of prophylaxis treatment with no screening ($20.98 vs $23.51 per person, respectively).
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