The impact of varus angulation on proximal fractures of the ulna
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Apr 10, 2018
Shi X, et al. - Researchers assessed the effect of minimal proximal ulna malunion [varus angulation (VS)] on elbow function following a proximal ulna fracture. A restriction in the function of the elbow and forearm after varus angulation (VA) malunion in the proximal ulna was noted, but the quality of life of these patients had not been significantly affected. Experts suggested the orthopedic surgeons to assess if the specialized structures of the proximal ulna were damaged or not before surgery. If through manipulation of the connected end directly, the anatomy of the fractured bone could not be restored, it was better to image the anatomical structure of the healthy side from using an elbow X-ray before surgery, and then reset using a pre-shaped plate to prevent malunion.
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