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The impact of subclinical hypothyroidism on long-term outcomes in older patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention

BMC Endocrine Disorders Mar 15, 2021

Liu YS, Wei M, Wang L, et al. - Researchers focused on the link between subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) and long-term results among older patients receiving percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Participants were 3,168 patients aged 65 years or older who had PCI from January 2012 to October 2014. Participants were split into SCH group (n = 320) and euthyroidism (ET) group (n = 2848) depending on thyroid function test. Following adjustment for covariates, relative risks of death from all-cause and cardiac in SCH vs ET cases were estimated to be 1.261 and 1.231, respectively. No significant links were also identified in any stratum, on stratifying SCH by age, gender, and degree of thyroid-stimulating hormone rise. Findings demonstrated a negative association of SCH with the outcome of PCI among older patients.

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