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The impact of sotagliflozin on renal function, albuminuria, blood pressure, and hematocrit in adults with type 1 diabetes

Diabetes Care Aug 07, 2019

van Raalte DH, Bjornstad P, Persson F, et al. - In adults with type 1 diabetes, researchers ascertained if sotagliflozin (SOTA), a dual SGLT1 and SGLT2i inhibitor, had favorable impacts on clinical biomarkers suggestive of kidney protection. One thousand five hundred seventy-five adults recruited in the inTandem1 and inTandem2 trials were randomly allocated to SOTA 200 mg, 400 mg, or placebo, in addition to optimized insulin therapy. According to this 52-week pooled analysis, SOTA was linked to short- and long-term renal hemodynamic changes, which were comparable to those seen with SGLT2i in type 2 diabetes. With both SOTA doses, increases in serum albumin and hematocrit were noted and reductions in uric acid were observed over 52 weeks. It is justified to further investigate the cardiorenal impacts of SOTA in individuals with type 1 diabetes.

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