The impact of frailty on technique failure and mortality in patients on home dialysis
Peritoneal Dialysis International Nov 28, 2019
Brar R, Whitlock R, Komenda P, et al. - Researchers analyzed a prospective cohort of patients on home dialysis therapies, to determine the influence of frailty on technique failure and mortality in these patients. They examined 109 prevalent home dialysis patients, from whom, they obtained objective (Fried criteria and Short Physical Performance Battery), as well as subjective (physician and nurse impression) measures of frailty. Findings revealed that a more than 2-fold higher risk of technique failure or death was observed in relation to objective and subjective measures of frailty in patients undergoing home dialysis. Concerning prognostication and clinical management, it may be a worthy step to evaluate frailty as a component of the clinical assessment for home dialysis therapies.
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