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The impact of different intensities of exercise on body weight reduction and overactive bladder symptoms- randomised trial

European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Oct 06, 2019

Hagovska M, et al. - Researchers examined how a 3-month exercise program with two different intensities influence the body weight and body fat percentage in overweight women with overactive bladder symptoms (OAB). In this randomized controlled study, 77 overweight women with OAB symptoms (average age of 26.2 years) were randomized into two groups: Group 1 (program with high intensity) (n = 39) and group 2 (program with low intensity) (n = 38). They observed body weight loss and a reduction in Body Fat Percentage of more than 5% in group 1, but not in group 2. Outcomes revealed a significant reduction in overweight and mild symptoms of OAB after 12 weeks in correlation with the high-intensity exercise program for reducing abdominal fat.
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