The impact of antimullerian hormone and maternal age on cycle outcome following a frozen transfer of a single euploid embryo
Fertility and Sterility Apr 11, 2019
Schenkman E, et al. - Researchers explored how cycle outcome following euploid eSET frozen embryo transfer (FET) are influenced by antimullerian hormone (AMH) levels and maternal age at oocyte retrieval. Analysis of a total of 268 frozen embryo cycles performed between January 2017 and August 2018 was done. Outcomes revealed no correlation between AMH and ongoing pregnancy following euploid eSET FET among patients with an AMH >0.5ng/ml. A statistical difference was noted in older patients (≥38 years of age) with an AMH < with an ongoing clinical pregnancy rate of 0%. Patients ≤37 years of age with an AMH <0.5ng/ml displayed no difference in ongoing pregnancy rate.
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