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The impact of a routine late third trimester growth scan on the incidence, diagnosis, and management of breech presentation in Oxfordshire, UK: A cohort study

PLoS Medicine Mar 07, 2021

Salim I, Staines-Urias E, Mathewlynn S, et al. - Failure to diagnose breech presentation is a principal barrier to external cephalic version (ECV), which is a safe procedure to reduce term breech presentation and associated CS. Researchers here examined how introduction of a routine 36-week scan affects the incidence of breech presentation and of undiagnosed breech presentation. They conducted a population-based cohort study including all women delivering between 37 +0 and 42 +6 weeks gestational age, with a singleton, nonanomalous fetus over a 4-year period (October 01, 2014 to September 30, 2018). They analyzed a total of 27,825 pregnancies before and after the introduction of a third trimester screening ultrasound (14,444 before and 13,381 after), which enhanced the proportion of pregnancies screened from 39% to 99%. Although, a substantial decline occurred in the incidence of undiagnosed breech presentation, 1 in 20 breech babies at term remained undiagnosed until labor. They identified no decrease in the incidence of breech presentation at term, albeit from an already low incidence.

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