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The hamstring/quadriceps ratio is an indicator of function in ACL-deficient, but not in ACL-reconstructed knees

Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery Aug 02, 2018

Hohmann E, et al. - In patients who underwent anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction (ACLR) using bone–patellar tendon grafts, authors gauged the isokinetic, eccentric and isometric hamstring/quadriceps (HQ) ratios before and after the procedures. They also established the associations between HQ ratio and knee function. For the isometric tests, findings did not suggest any difference in the HQ ratio between the involved and non-involved limb for the anterior cruciate ligament deficient (ACLD) knee at 30° knee flexion, but it was significant at the 60° flexion angle and for the ACLR knees at 30° and 60°. For the isokinetic tests, they noted a significant ratio between the involved and non-involved limb for ACL-deficient knees at both 60 and 120°/s. As per data, in ACLD patients, the HQ ratio was an indicator, and not a predictor, of patient-perceived knee function following ACLR.
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