The furcation tunnel preparation—A prospective 5-year follow-up study
Journal of Clinical Periodontology May 25, 2019
Rüdiger SG, et al. - Furcation tunnelled molars were prospectively followed over a 5-year period of supportive periodontal therapy (SPT) and factors associated with tooth loss were sought. Researchers recruited 32 patients with 42 furcation tunnelled molars (all class III prior tunnelling) upon initiating SPT following active periodontal therapy. Twenty-nine molars (69%) were still in function following 5 years. Eight were upper and five lower molars among the lost molars. These findings suggest that in most cases, furcation tunnelled molars can be kept over a period of 5 years of SPT. Risk indicators for loss comprised a smoking habit, baseline bleeding scores and the presence of MS in the furcation.
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