The frequency of routine blood sampling and patient outcomes among maintenance hemodialysis recipients
American Journal of Kidney Diseases Nov 21, 2019
Thomas A, Silver SA, Perl J, et al. - Researchers undertook this retrospective population-based cohort study to determine the impact of frequency of surveillance blood work, monthly vs every 6 weeks, on outcomes in maintenance hemodialysis (HD) recipients, given better outcomes may be achieved in these patients with more frequent blood testing. Among participants (prevalent HD recipients in Ontario, Canada as well as incident patients starting maintenance HD from 2011 to 2016), the evaluation of all-cause mortality was done as the primary outcome, as well as of major adverse cardiovascular events, all-cause hospitalization, and episodes of hyperkalemia as secondary outcomes. Findings revealed no link between monthly routine blood testing and a lower risk for mortality, cardiovascular events, or hospitalizations in HD recipients, compared with testing every 6 weeks. There is a need for careful reevaluation of the frequency of routine blood sampling in HD recipients, given the health resource implications.
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