The free vastus lateralis muscle flap. A smart less used flap for soft tissue reconstruction of the weight-bearing foot.
Injury Apr 12, 2020
Jiga LP, et al. - Researchers presented evidence on the safe use of the free vastus lateralis muscle flap and its utility for optimal soft tissue coverage of the weight-bearing foot. Researchers enrolled 18 consecutive patients with soft tissue defects of the heel (n = 3, 16.6%) and plantar aspect of the mid- and forefoot (n = 15, 83.3%) of either post traumatic (n = 10), diabetic (n = 6) or ischemic (n = 2) etiology, receiving nineteen free vastus lateralis muscle free flaps covered with split-thickness skin grafts. They assessed postoperative results in terms of wound healing, weight-bearing function, patient satisfaction. In patients with chronic conditions (n = 8) the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society scoring system was applied preoperatively and 6 months postoperatively for assessment of reconstruction results. The data considered that the skin-grafted free vastus lateralis muscle flap can safely be applied as a “smart” tool for coverage of weight-bearing foot serving optimal cushioning and functional outcomes without fearing donor-side morbidity.
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