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The fragility index of hip arthroscopy randomized control trials: A systematic survey

Arthroscopy Feb 04, 2021

Maldonado DR, Go CS, Huang BH, et al. - This study was performed to define the fragility index (FI) of statistically significant results from randomized control trials (RCT) in hip arthroscopy. Between January 2010 and July 2020, researchers carried out to search PubMed/MEDLINE, Embase, and Cochrane for hip arthroscopy RCTs. They distinguished eight hip arthroscopy RCTs that met all inclusion and exclusion criteria. According to the results, a systematic survey of hip arthroscopy RCTs resulted in a low FI, demonstrating that the findings tended to be fragile. It was shown that a low FI was consistent with what has been reported in other orthopedic and medical literature. As per the results, there is a possibility for findings to be altered by factors such as loss to follow-up, measurement subjectivity, cross-over, and biased study design. Outcomes on the fragility of hip arthroscopy RCTs were similar to those reported in general or orthopedic-specific literature.

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